ONPS2520/2526 Literature Review 文献综述 assignment 代写
ONPS2520/2526 Literature Review 文献综述 assignment 代写
Sensory Evaluation and Consumer Behaviour
Literature Review Assignment Semester 2 2017
“Originally only four basic tastes were recognized (sweet, sour, salt and bitter). Review how and why umami was recognized as the fifth taste. Currently some workers believe that fat is also a basic taste. Review the current state of the research and considering the adoption of umami identify what needs to be demonstrated if fat is to be accepted as a basic taste.”
Your review must cite all references in accordance with the APA referencing system. A short guide to this system can be found on the RMIT library site at http://www1.rmit.edu.au/browse;ID=8rwjnkcmfoeez
ONPS2520/2526 Literature Review 文献综述 assignment 代写
Undergraduate students (ONPS2520)
1) Write a
maximum of 2,000 words (excluding references) literature review on the above topic.
2) See the Course Guide for details about presentation expectations.
Postgraduate students (ONPS2526)
1) Write a
maximum of 3,000 words (excluding references) literature review on the above topic.
2) You must also nominate a peer reviewed journal as your intended submission place for your literature review, and follow their author requirements. As an appendix include the author requirements (not included in the word count).Where there are any conflicts with the guidelines given above, the author requirements of the journal will take precedence.
Marking Criteria
The criteria for assessment in addition to technical content and relevance will be correct clarity of expression, overall structure of the essay and citation of references.The distribution of marks will be:
· Technical content and relevance 40 marks
· Quality of references 20 marks
· Citation of references 20 marks
· Layout, clarity of expression, English grammar 20 marks
The RMIT Learning Lab has resources that may be of assistance in this task, such as academic writing, English development and assignment feedback: http://emedia.rmit.edu.au/learninglab/
The due date is: 11:59PM on Sunday the 17
th of September.
Submit your literature review electronically through Blackboard. These essays will be submitted as a Turnitin Assignment, so please take care to avoid plagiarism. Information about what constitutes plagiarism is available here: http://www1.rmit.edu.au/students/academic-integrity
This literature review will count for 20% of the total mark for this course.
ONPS2520/2526 Literature Review 文献综述 assignment 代写